If it is an opinion article, as the very name suggests, it mainly reflects the author's opinion about a particular subject. However, a scientific article contains an empirical study addressing a specific problem under study and describing a initial hypothesys, the research strategy, cases studies together with results and conclusions. Obviously, this is a much more complex task and unlikely to be found in a language test. Fortunately, in a ESL / EFL test, if we are to get an article as the writing task, it will be an opinion or newspaper one.
Order of information in a Newspaper Article |
Steps to follow:
1) Analyse the task: who is going to read the article? It will be decisive in order to choose a style and the kind of information to be included.
2) Brainstrom and Organise your ideas. This crucial steps are disgracefully skipped by most students. If you don't know what to say and in which order, you are likely to fail in cohesion.
3) Write you article in paragraphs. Remember to make your writing more interesting by using a variety of adjectives. Don't forget your linkers and connectors! Introduce the topic, expand the different ideas and finish the piece with a final conclusion to give a sense of completion.
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