miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

BBC Elementary Podcasts

Click here to be redirected to the BBC link

Practise your English language listening skills with Elementary Podcasts. Listen to them on your computer, or download them to your mp3 player or smartphone. When ready, you can do the listening comprehension exercises provided.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Have you got 6 minutes? No excuses!!!

6 minute English audioclips are the perfect option for those who are always in a hurry. Quick and straight to the point listening
. It usually asks you one easy comprehension question and offers some vocabulary keys in case you need help. What is your excuse now?
Where there is a will, there is a way!

Writing an ARTICLE (2)

If it is an opinion article, as the very name suggests, it mainly reflects the author's opinion about a particular subject. However, a scientific article contains an empirical study addressing a specific problem under study and describing a initial hypothesys, the research strategy, cases studies together with results and conclusions. Obviously, this is a much more complex task and unlikely to be found in a language test. Fortunately, in a ESL / EFL test, if we are to get  an article as the writing task, it will be an opinion or newspaper one.

Order of information in a Newspaper Article
Steps to follow:
1) Analyse the task: who is going to read the article? It will be decisive in order to choose a style and the kind of information to be included.
2) Brainstrom and Organise your ideas. This crucial steps are disgracefully skipped by most students. If you don't know what to say and in which order, you are likely to fail in cohesion.
3) Write you article in paragraphs. Remember to make your writing more interesting by using a variety of adjectives. Don't forget your linkers and connectors! Introduce the topic, expand the different ideas and finish the piece with a final conclusion to give a sense of completion. 

miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2014

Use of English and other "delights" while learning English

It is a fact that people who has to face an official exam with a view to obtain a certificate is confronted with many obstacles in the way: the tricky reading comprehension, the challenging listening and the most feared speaking interview. However, there is one part that also tests our level and mastery of the language and that is the Use of English part. I came across this useful article in "El Blog de los Idiomas" and I could feel a genuine intention to help from the writer's side. Here you are the guiding tips:

sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014


As usual, some general tips are to be followed: analyse in depth the task so that you know exactly what you've been asked to do. Immediatly after, brainstorm important aspects, such as what ideas are to be highlighted or dismissed, choice of formal or informal language...
Remember that each paragraph in your essay must include a topic sentence that conveys the main point intended. Personal opinion must be expressed in this type of writing and both connectors and linking words are must for a successful cohesion and coherence.
Opening Paragraph: Time to state the subject of the essay. Make sure you are inclusive and objective by offering two views on the matter.
Body: Proceed to present the argument you agree with less and continue with the argurment you agree with more. That precise structure will help you to link to the final paragraph in wich to present your personal point of view.
Conclusion: State you opinion and justify it either supporting it with new ideas or by referring to ans expeanding those already mentioned.

Speaking: Learning to build confidence in the skill

British Council Speaking Activities
Missisabelonline's Speaking Tips and links.
There is also a specific section dedicated to this skill in the blog aimed at aural and oral skills improvement


viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014

Cuando no se tiene aún el nivel B1....

Busca esta imagen en el menú de la derecha.
A veces empezamos a estudiar inglés para certificar un preciado B1 cuando nuestra base aún es baja y nos ponemos una meta demasiado alta. Con los idiomas no se corre, se trabaja día a día y se afianzan conocimientos. Todo lo que se estudia para un examen, pronto se pierde. Sin embargo, todo lo que se trabaja para ser aprendido, se retiene.
Intenta acercarte al idioma del modo que más te atraiga: leyendo, escuchando música, viendo series o películas...No empieces por lecturas insufribles de periódico o textos que no están adaptados a tu nivel. Date tiempo, sé paciente y sobre todo constante....
Hay muchas páginas para aprender inglés desde cero y muchas tendrán enfoque infantil. Lo importante es ponerse y no abandonar a la primera de cambio. Nobody said it would be easy....
En este blog hay una sección especial para BEGINNERS (Principiantes) con afán de aprender inglés. Busca esta imagen en el menú de la derecha para tener acceso a páginas, enlaces y cursos online gratuitos de este nivel.

sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014


If there is a thing that clearly shows a B1 or B2 is the command of upgraded vocabulary, phrasals and idiomatic expressions. They make a real difference.
Click and learn :)


Grammar Presentations

Here is a link to all the grammar presentatios available from my root blog. Look for yours!

Obviously, there are many other webs to learn about grammar and practice any particular aspect you are struggling with or want to learn more about. Here is my personal selection of useful websites grammarwise. Some contain explanations, others are purely sentence formation exercises or tense practice. I also tried to include interactive and more attractive options. Hopefully, you'll be able to find the one that better suits you.